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What conditions do migrant children need to attend primary school

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What conditions do migrant children need to attend primary school


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  • 2024-06-18 09:00:50

    The children of migrant workers enrolled in the school will be arranged by the District Education Bureau to attend public primary and secondary schools. The originals and copies of the following materials must be provided for registration:

    1. Early childhood development report or primary school student quality report;

    2. The residence permit of parents (or their legal guardians) in our district issued by the public security department;

    3. The labor contract signed between parents (or legal guardians) and the employing unit and the certificate of one year's social insurance payment by individuals, or the valid business license issued by the market supervision department for one year;

    4. Household register;

    5. ID card of parents (or legal guardian);

    6. The first grade of primary school should provide birth medical certificate and child vaccination certificate (must be checked and sealed by the vaccination site).

    Legal basis

    Article 12 of the Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China, school-age children and adolescents are exempted from entrance examination. The local people's governments at various levels shall ensure that school-age children and adolescents are enrolled in schools near their registered permanent residence. If school-age children and adolescents whose parents or other legal guardians work or live in places other than their registered permanent residence receive compulsory education in the places where their parents or other legal guardians work or live, the local people's government shall provide them with equal conditions for receiving compulsory education. Specific measures shall be formulated by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. The education administrative departments of the people's governments at the county level shall guarantee that the children of servicemen in their respective administrative areas receive compulsory education.


    2024-06-18 09:00:50

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