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How to query the social security network of Feicheng City, Shandong Province?

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How to query the social security network of Feicheng City, Shandong Province?


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  • 2024-06-12 11:00:50

    How to query the social security network of Feicheng City, Shandong Province?
    1. The first step is to search the official website of Tai'an Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on Baidu, and click the official website to enter; 2. Click "Social Insurance Query" after entering the home page; 3. Then select individual user login in the social security query; 4. At this time, it is required to input the ID card number, password and other information accurately as required; 5. After entering, you need to send the mobile phone verification code. After receiving the mobile phone verification code, click Enter; 6. Enter the verification code and select login; 7. In this case, you can select query management; 8. Then select Social Insurance Historical Statement Query; 9. Then select any year from the drop-down box, taking 2010 as an example; 10. Finally, the payment record can be queried. Is there anything you don't understand?


    2024-06-12 11:00:50

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