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How many years after renting a house to change your own house

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How many years after renting a house to change your own house


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  • 2024-06-05 01:00:03

    The rented house will not become your own house. A lease contract is a contract that transfers the usufruct of the lease item. In the lease contract, the lessee's purpose is to obtain the right to use proceeds of the lease item, and the lessor only transfers the right to use proceeds of the lease item, not its ownership. When the lease contract terminates, the lessee must return the leased item. This is the fundamental feature that distinguishes a lease contract from a sales contract.

    The transfer of house ownership is mainly based on registration. Without registration, it cannot produce the effect of property right change between the parties, nor has the effect of antagonizing the third party, and its registration has the effect of public trust.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 53 of the Urban Real Estate Management Law states that house leasing refers to the act of the owner of a house, as the lessor, leasing his house to the lessee for use, and the lessee pays the rent to the lessor.

    Article 54 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate stipulates that the lessor and the lessee shall sign a written lease contract for the lease of a house, stipulating the lease term, the purpose of the lease, the lease price, the repair responsibility and other terms, as well as other rights and obligations of both parties, and shall register with the housing administration department for the record.

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