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How to write the divorce agreement with children?

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How to write the divorce agreement with children?


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  • 2024-06-23 00:01:34

    It is necessary to deal with the problem of property division and child rearing when divorce is reached by agreement. Many parties do not care about this problem when divorce is reached by agreement. After divorce, disputes arise over property division and child rearing. If they do not pay attention when writing divorce agreements, they may lay hidden dangers for future disputes. First of all, it is necessary to agree on which party the child will live with, how the other party will pay the alimony, and the amount of alimony should also take into account the rising prices, the actual expenses of the child and other factors.
    Secondly, we should agree on how to visit. Generally speaking, the number of visits per month should not be too many. If visits are too frequent, it will bring a lot of inconvenience to both parties, and will affect the normal life and learning of children. When the child is over eight years old, the specific time and way of visiting can also listen to the child's opinions, and the independent will of the child can be transferred.
    Since the divorce agreement involves many aspects and is highly technical, many parties download templates from the Internet, leaving a great hidden danger to themselves. It is recommended to entrust experienced marriage and family lawyers to help plan and write the divorce agreement, so as to avoid future troubles.
    Article 36 of the Marriage Law of the People's Republic of China
    The relationship between parents and children shall not be eliminated by the divorce of parents. After divorce, whether the children are directly raised by the father or the mother, they are still the children of both parents. After divorce, parents still have the right and obligation to support and educate their children.


    2024-06-23 00:01:34

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