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Can I apply for a divorce certificate anywhere

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Can I apply for a divorce certificate anywhere


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  • 2024-06-23 07:01:40

    The birth permit is generally handled in the neighborhood office or family planning office where the husband and wife are registered or live. To apply for a birth permit, the cooperation of the relevant departments in the places where the household registration of both men and women is located is required. The departments involved include: the village committee, the township level family planning office or the sub district office, the county family planning office or the district family planning office in the places where the household registration of both men and women is located.
    1. Both men and women hold their own identity cards and marriage certificates to issue childless certification letters to their communities or village committees or their own units where they have registered permanent residence.
    2. The man goes to the township family planning office or the sub district office to seal.
    3. The man then goes to the county family planning office or the district family planning office to seal (first consult the township family planning office or the sub district family planning office to see if it is necessary, and the situation varies from place to place).
    4. You can apply for a birth permit at the street office of the woman's household registration office with the man's certificate stamped with the highest administrative level family planning office seal, the woman's childless certificate, the marriage certificate and the identity cards of both parties. The specific procedures vary from place to place, because the procedures are too cumbersome. It is recommended to consult the local family planning office first.


    2024-06-23 07:01:40

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