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Hello. I want to ask if a child must be one year old to divorce?

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Hello. I want to ask if a child must be one year old to divorce?


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  • 2024-06-20 16:00:58

    In law, marriage and divorce are free. As long as both parties are willing, divorce is also the same. But divorce is relatively complicated. Because divorce involves property and child custody, there will be disputes. If both parties agree to divorce and can deal with the problem of property division or child custody, divorce by agreement is the fastest and most convenient way. As long as both parties hold the marriage certificate, ID card, household register and divorce agreement, they can go to the local civil affairs bureau where one party is located to handle divorce registration. If one party does not agree to divorce or disputes over the division of property and the custody of children, then legal proceedings need to be taken to divorce. The standard for divorce judgment by the divorce court in litigation is that the couple's feelings have really broken, such as domestic violence, abandonment, abuse, drug abuse, gambling, bigamy, imprisonment, emotional discord and separation for more than two years, difficult to cure physical defects or diseases, etc. If the above situations do not exist, the divorce court in the first lawsuit will generally not divorce, Therefore, a second lawsuit is often required. The time of the second filing is six months after the first judgment came into force.


    2024-06-20 16:00:58

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