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What is the crime of falsely issuing financial certificates (sentencing the crime of forging national securities)

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What is the crime of falsely issuing financial certificates (sentencing the crime of forging national securities)


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  • 2024-06-10 02:00:50

    1. Those who commit the crime of counterfeiting national securities are generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or criminal detention, and are also, or are only, fined 20000 to 200000 yuan; 2. Whoever forges a huge amount of State securities shall be sentenced to 3-10 years of fixed-term imprisonment and a fine of 50000 to 500000 yuan; 3. If the amount of counterfeiting national securities is especially large, it shall be sentenced to more than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, with a fine of 50000 to 500000 yuan or confiscation of property; wait.

    Provisions on the Punishment of the Crime of Forging State Securities

    1. Those who commit the crime of counterfeiting national securities are generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or criminal detention, and are also, or are only, fined 20000 to 200000 yuan;

    2. Whoever forges a huge amount of State securities shall be sentenced to 3-10 years of fixed-term imprisonment and a fine of 50000 to 500000 yuan;

    3. If the amount of counterfeiting national securities is especially large, it shall be sentenced to more than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, with a fine of 50000 to 500000 yuan or confiscation of property;

    4. If a unit commits this crime, it shall be fined, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible for the crime shall be punished in accordance with the above provisions.

    Whoever forges treasury bonds or other securities issued by the State with a total face value of more than 2000 yuan shall be prosecuted.

    The crime of producing and selling fake and inferior products will be sentenced to the amount of unsold money

    Fake and inferior products have not been sold yet, and those with a value of more than 150000 yuan will be sentenced. Those with a value of more than 50000 yuan and a value of less than 50000 yuan will be sentenced. However, those with a value of more than 150000 yuan in total with the value of the fake and inferior products that have not been sold after multiplying the amount of sales by three times will constitute a crime.

    The crime of producing and selling fake and substandard products refers to the act of producers and sellers who adulterate or adulterate their products, pass fake products off as genuine ones, pass substandard products off as high-quality ones, or pass substandard products off as qualified ones, with a large amount of sales. The criminal liability of those who commit this crime shall be determined according to their sales amount:

    1. If the amount of sales is not less than 50000 yuan but not more than 200000 yuan, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years or criminal detention and shall also, or shall only, be fined not less than half but not more than two times the amount of sales.

    2. If the amount of sales is not less than 200000 yuan but not more than 500000 yuan, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than two years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined not less than half but not more than two times the amount of sales.

    3. If the amount of sales is not less than 500000 yuan but not more than 2 million yuan, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years and shall also be fined not less than half but not more than two times the amount of sales.

    4. If the sales amount is more than 2 million yuan, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of 15 years or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined not less than half but not more than two times the sales amount or be sentenced to confiscation of property.

    If there is any unclear or new situation, we suggest you directly ask questions online to understand the situation of the communication case. The idle lawyers of the intelligent matching platform will give you detailed and targeted answers, and try to explain the general situation to avoid incorrect answers due to incomplete information and poor communication. I wish success in safeguarding human rights.


    2024-06-10 02:00:50

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