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Traffic accident, I'm solely responsible for compulsory traffic insurance. What should I do

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Traffic accident, I'm solely responsible for compulsory traffic insurance. What should I do


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  • 2024-05-22 02:01:56

    The compensation shall be made by the limit of compulsory traffic insurance first. If the limit of compulsory traffic insurance is exceeded, the full responsible party shall pay its own compensation. Compulsory traffic insurance is a compulsory liability insurance in which the insurance company pays compensation within the limit of liability for the casualties and property losses of the victims (excluding the vehicle personnel and the insured) caused by road traffic accidents of the insured motor vehicles.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 21 of the Regulations on Compulsory Insurance of Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Liability states that if the road traffic accident of the insured motor vehicle causes personal injury, death or property loss to the vehicle's personnel and the victims other than the insured, the insurance company shall compensate within the liability limit of the compulsory insurance of motor vehicle traffic accident liability according to law. The loss of road traffic accident is intentionally caused by the victim, and the insurance company will not compensate.


    2024-05-22 02:01:56

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