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Whether to pay individual income tax on the penalty income obtained in the process of individual equity transfer

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Whether to pay individual income tax on the penalty income obtained in the process of individual equity transfer


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  • 2024-05-21 23:01:23

    Pay individual income tax on the income from liquidated damages obtained in the process of individual equity transfer.

    [Legal Basis]

    Article 2 of the Individual Income Tax Law.

    Individual income tax shall be paid on the following individual income:

    (1) Income from wages and salaries;

    (2) Income from remuneration for labor services;

    (3) Income from author's remuneration;

    (4) Income from royalties;

    (5) Business income;

    (6) Income from interest, dividends and bonuses;

    (7) Income from lease of property;

    (8) Income from property transfer;

    (9) Accidental income.

    Individual income tax on income derived by individual residents from items 1 to 4 of the preceding paragraph shall be calculated on a consolidated basis according to the tax year; Individual income tax shall be calculated monthly or sub item by item for non resident individuals who obtain income from items 1 to 4 of the preceding paragraph. Taxpayers who derive income from items 5 to 9 of the preceding paragraph shall calculate individual income tax separately in accordance with the provisions of this Law.


    2024-05-21 23:01:23

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