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Who will bear the maintenance cost if the water meter is broken

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Who will bear the maintenance cost if the water meter is broken


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  • 2024-06-06 08:00:03

    1. If the damage is natural, that is to say, it is not caused by human factors, you need to check whether it is the internal water meter or the external water meter. If it is a public water meter, the property company should bear the cost of maintenance, and the owner does not need to pay out of his own pocket.

    2. If the water meter in the house is not damaged due to personal factors, you can ask the water supply company to repair or replace it directly. However, if the water meter is damaged due to human factors, it should be borne by myself.

    3. So who is responsible for the repair or replacement of a broken water meter? It is mainly about the ownership of the water meter. If you know who it is, who should be responsible for the repair and replacement.

    The owner has the following rights in property management activities:

    (1) Accept the services provided by the property service enterprise as agreed in the property service contract;

    (2) Propose to hold a meeting of the owners' assembly and make suggestions on matters related to property management;

    (3) Propose to formulate and modify the management protocol and the rules of procedure of the owners' assembly;

    (4) Participate in the owner's meeting and exercise the right to vote;

    (5) Elect the members of the owners' committee and enjoy the right to be elected;

    (6) Supervise the work of the owner committee;

    (7) Supervise property service enterprises to perform property service contracts;

    (8) Enjoy the right to know and supervise the use of common parts, common facilities and equipment and related sites of the property;

    (9) Supervise the management and use of special maintenance funds for common parts of the property, common facilities and equipment (hereinafter referred to as special maintenance funds);

    (10) Other rights stipulated by laws and regulations. Article 44 Within the property management area, units that supply water, electricity, gas, heat, telecommunications, cable television, etc. shall collect relevant fees from the end users. If the property service enterprise accepts the commission to collect money fees, it shall not charge the owner any additional fees such as service fees.

    [Legal Basis]

    In Article 942 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the property service provider shall, in accordance with the agreement and the nature of the use of the property, properly repair, maintain, clean, green and manage the common parts of the owners in the property service area, maintain the basic order in the property service area, and take reasonable measures to protect the personal and property safety of the owners.

    The property service provider shall take reasonable measures to stop, report to the relevant administrative departments and assist in handling the violations of laws and regulations related to public security, environmental protection, fire control, etc. in the property service area.


    2024-06-06 08:00:03

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