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Ask for advice on the ownership of household registration after divorce

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Ask for advice on the ownership of household registration after divorce


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  • 2024-06-22 06:00:59

    1. According to the principles stipulated in Articles 36 and 37 of the Marriage Law, the solution to the problem of raising divorced children should be based on the specific circumstances such as the child's physical and mental health, the child's legitimate rights and interests, and the parental support ability and conditions.
    2. Generally, within one year after the delivery of the woman, the man shall not apply for divorce.
    3. In case of divorce after one year of childbirth, the child during the lactation period shall be raised by the nursing mother in principle.
    4. If the two parties fail to reach an agreement due to a dispute over the upbringing of a child after the breast-feeding period, the court shall make a judgment according to the rights and interests of the child and the specific circumstances of both parties.
    5. The party who does not directly raise the child shall pay the alimony.


    2024-06-22 06:00:59

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