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The period of announcement of pre qualification of invited bidding shall not be less than several working days

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The period of announcement of pre qualification of invited bidding shall not be less than several working days


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  • 2024-06-16 02:00:02

    The time limit for announcement of pre qualification of invited bidding shall not be less than five working days.

    In China, there is no clear stipulation on the release time of the bidding announcement. Generally speaking, the designated media should publish the bidding announcement in the media within 7 days after receiving the bidding announcement text submitted by the tenderee. The time for bidding announcement and prequalification announcement shall not be less than 5 working days. If the government procurement adopts the method of invitation to bid, the bidding procurement unit shall publish the prequalification announcement and the qualifications of bidders in the government procurement information media designated by the financial department of the people's government at or above the provincial level. The duration of the prequalification announcement shall not be less than 7 working days, and the bidders shall, 3 working days before the end of the prequalification announcement period, Submit qualification certificates as required by the announcement.

    Legal basis

    Article 18 of the Measures for the Administration of Tendering and Bidding for Government Procurement of Goods and Services, the procuring entity or procurement agency shall provide the bidding documents or prequalification documents at the time and place specified in the bidding announcement, prequalification announcement or invitation to bid, and the time limit for providing the bidding documents or prequalification documents shall not be less than 5 working days from the date of publication of the bidding announcement and prequalification announcement. If there are less than 3 potential bidders who have obtained the bidding documents or prequalification documents after the expiration of the period of provision, the period of provision may be extended and announced. If prequalification is conducted through public bidding, the bidding announcement and prequalification announcement may be issued together, and the bidding documents shall be provided to all suppliers who have passed prequalification.


    2024-06-16 02:00:02

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