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How many kinds of Party and administrative sanctions

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How many kinds of Party and administrative sanctions


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  • 2024-06-09 08:01:41

    There are five types of intra party sanctions, namely, warning, serious warning, removal from intra party posts, retention in the Party for inspection, and expulsion from the Party. There are six types of administrative sanctions, namely, warning, demerit recording, major demerit recording, demotion, dismissal, and dismissal. According to the law, administrative punishment refers to a kind of punishment measure given by the state administrative organ to the public servants who have violated the law and dereliction of duty according to the administrative subordination relationship.
    Legal basis
    Article 8 of the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment deals with the types of disciplinary punishment against Party members: (1) warning; (2) Serious warning; (3) Dismiss Party posts; (4) Stay in the Party for inspection; (5) Dismissal from the Party. Article 10 Party members shall not be promoted within the Party or recommended to non Party organizations for non Party posts higher than their original posts within one year and a half after receiving a serious warning.


    2024-06-09 08:01:41

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