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How does the customs cancel?

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How does the customs cancel?


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  • 2024-06-13 15:00:48

    How does the customs cancel?
    How does the customs cancel? 1. The customs declaration unit shall submit the following documents when applying for the cancellation of registration with the Customs Inspection Section under its jurisdiction: (1) the enterprise application for cancellation report (which shall be signed and sealed by the legal representative of the applicant and affixed with the administrative seal of the company); (2) The Letter of Decision of the Huangpu Customs of the People's Republic of China on Cancelling the Registration License of Customs Declaration Enterprises (Cross border Branches) (only to be submitted by customs declaration enterprises (cross border branches)). (3) The Customs Declaration Registration Certificate of the Customs of the People's Republic of China or the Customs Declaration Registration Certificate of the People's Republic of China for the Consignee or Consignee of Import and Export Goods; (4) Special seal for customs declaration; (5) Customs broker certificate and card; (6) Other relevant supporting materials. If the enterprise is a foreign-funded enterprise, it shall also submit the enterprise manual, materials and equipment issued by the processing trade supervision department of the customs that have been written off and have gone through the termination procedures. 2. Note: The cancellation of the company must first write off the national and local taxes (if the income tax is in the national tax, write off the local tax first; if the income tax is in the local tax, write off the national tax first). In the process of tax cancellation, the company's VAT, corporate income tax, VAT surcharge, stamp tax, etc. should be liquidated. If no tax has ever been reported, it is a fine within 2000 for each tax category (the specific amount is related to the overdue time). Do you understand this explanation?


    2024-06-13 15:00:48

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