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How to write the pleading for non divorce

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How to write the pleading for non divorce


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  • 2024-06-23 22:00:04

    The respondent: XX respondent filed a divorce dispute because of the plaintiff XX, and now makes a defense against the plaintiff's Civil Complaint as follows: the respondent does not recognize the plaintiff's claim, and firmly disagrees with the divorce plaintiff's claim that the divorce reason is totally fabricated, and the main reason is totally unfounded:
    1、 The Respondent and the Plaintiff have emotional foundation, and their feelings after marriage are also good
    1. The respondent and the plaintiff worked together in the medical system before they joined hands. They got to know each other and knew each other well. Through friends' introduction, the plaintiff often went to the respondent's work unit to pick up the respondent's contact feelings before and after the marriage when the two parties officially confirmed their love relationship. The respondent and the plaintiff felt very good. The plaintiff worked hard and made progress, and had strong adaptability and working ability, I just appreciated the plaintiff and agreed to marry him. When we got married, he was just a clerk, which was the most difficult period for us. Both husband and wife could live together in harmony. How can we talk about his family background when he was born in the countryside, let alone have any objection to his hospitality
    2. The Plaintiff's claim that both parties have lacked normal married life since the birth of their children is totally untrue...... The Respondent and the Plaintiff have lived together for so many years and know that the Plaintiff is not bad in nature and good in character. Even if the Plaintiff filed for divorce, the Respondent firmly refused to divorce. The Respondent has the determination, confidence and ability to save and influence the Plaintiff's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along, and needs mutual understanding and tolerance, As long as there is space and time, I can reconcile the contradictions between the two sides, and I am willing to change myself to better handle the relationship with my mother-in-law
    2、 The relationship between the couple has not broken down, and there is a young child that needs to be raised and educated by both parties. The respondent disagrees with the divorce. The respondent has never asked the plaintiff for divorce. The plaintiff has fabricated everything in his petition to achieve the purpose of divorce. The plaintiff has done everything possible to create something out of nothing in his petition. The plaintiff has said frankly that the defendant has proposed to divorce him for as many as X times XX years ago, Both parties have also negotiated many times on the issue of divorce. However, it is the plaintiff, not the respondent, who first filed for divorce with the court. If the respondent really filed for divorce, why would relatives and friends accuse the plaintiff on the ground that the plaintiff filed for divorce first... The contradiction between the respondent and the plaintiff's husband and wife relationship is caused by the reasons of both families, and the respondent is willing to give more tolerance and understanding, Through communication, we can eliminate misunderstandings between each other, and we don't want to see young children hurt by divorce, so that children can grow up in a crippled family life
    3、 The respondent requests the court to consider the facts of the case comprehensively and resolve the contradiction between us in combination with the legal provisions. The respondent requests the collegial panel to analyze the root causes of the contradiction between the two sides based on the facts of the case, assist with patient and careful persuasion, resolve the knot between the plaintiff and the respondent, and help us overcome this threshold, To protect our family, which should not have been dissolved, in conclusion, the plaintiff's claim has no factual and legal basis, and the court is requested to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the respondent, protect the legitimate marriage relationship, and reject the plaintiff's claim


    2024-06-23 22:00:04

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