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Will the government have compensation for dismantling illegal buildings

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Will the government have compensation for dismantling illegal buildings


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  • 2024-06-09 19:00:04

    The government will not be compensated for dismantling illegal buildings. If an illegal building does not conform to the provisions of the law, and after the competent department of urban and rural planning makes a decision to order it to stop construction or to demolish within a time limit, if the party concerned does not stop construction or demolish within the time limit, it may directly force the demolition without paying compensation. Legal basis: Article 64 of the Urban and Rural Planning Law, if the construction is not carried out in accordance with the provisions of the permit for construction project planning or the permit for construction project planning, the competent department of urban and rural planning of the local people's government at or above the county level shall order the construction to stop; If corrective measures can still be taken to eliminate the impact on the implementation of the plan, it shall be corrected within a time limit and a fine of not less than 5% but not more than 10% of the construction cost shall be imposed; If it is impossible to take corrective measures to eliminate the impact, it shall be demolished within a time limit. If it is impossible to dismantle, the physical objects or illegal income shall be confiscated, and a fine of less than 10% of the construction cost may be imposed. Article 65 If a person fails to obtain a permit for planning rural construction according to law or fails to carry out construction in accordance with the provisions of the permit for planning rural construction within the planned area of a township or village, the people's government of the township or town shall order him to stop construction and make corrections within a time limit; If it fails to make corrections within the time limit, it may be demolished.


    2024-06-09 19:00:04

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