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What are the two diseases? What kind of medical insurance policy can you enjoy

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What are the two diseases? What kind of medical insurance policy can you enjoy


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  • 2024-06-14 19:00:57

    The "two diseases" are hypertension and diabetes. The outpatient medication guarantee for "two diseases" is a universal outpatient treatment policy for urban and rural residents. Hypertension or diabetes patients who have participated in the urban and rural residents' medical insurance and need medication (except those who have enjoyed chronic diseases in the diabetes clinic) can purchase drugs in the outpatient clinic of designated medical institutions after filing, and the medical insurance will reimburse part of the drug costs. The registered patients with "two diseases" can enjoy the reimbursement treatment of outpatient medication for "two diseases". For "two diseases" drugs within the scope of outpatient purchase policy of designated medical institutions, the reimbursement proportion is 50%, without threshold fees, and the maximum reimbursement limit is 600 yuan for hypertension and 700 yuan for diabetes each year.
    How to deal with the special diseases of "two diseases" outpatient service?
    Meet the identification criteria for special diseases of hypertension and diabetes outpatient service, and provide the Application Form for Identification of Treatment of Chronic and Special Diseases in Outpatient Service, as well as medical records, inspection reports or disease diagnosis certificates related to the applied diseases (sealed by the hospital) after being diagnosed by doctors with professional qualifications from township hospitals or community health service centers and above designated medical institutions, You can apply to all medical insurance agencies in the city (including medical insurance service stations in hospitals).
    To sum up, the "two diseases" are hypertension and diabetes. The outpatient medication guarantee for "two diseases" is a universal outpatient treatment policy for medical insurance participants of urban and rural residents. Do you understand?
    Social Insurance Law
    Article 28 Medical expenses that meet the requirements of the basic medical insurance drug catalogue, diagnosis and treatment items, medical service facility standards, and emergency and rescue shall be paid from the basic medical insurance fund in accordance with state regulations. Article 29 The part of the medical expenses of the insured that should be paid by the basic medical insurance fund shall be settled by the social insurance agency directly with the medical institutions and drug distributors. The administrative department of social insurance and the administrative department of health shall establish a settlement system for medical expenses of medical treatment in different places to facilitate the insured to enjoy basic medical insurance benefits.

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