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If an employee is confirmed to be incapacitated due to work injury, how can the employer perform the labor contract?

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If an employee is confirmed to be incapacitated due to work injury, how can the employer perform the labor contract?


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:01

    Article 33 of the Regulations on Work related Injury Insurance stipulates that: if an employee is identified as a Grade I to Grade IV disability due to work-related disability, he/she shall retain the labor relationship, quit his/her job and enjoy the following benefits: (I) A one-time disability subsidy shall be paid from the work related injury insurance fund according to the disability level, and the standard is: Grade I disability is 24 months' salary, Grade II disability is 22 months' salary, Grade III disability is my salary for 20 months, and Grade IV disability is my salary for 18 months; (2) The disability allowance is paid monthly from the industrial injury insurance fund. The standard is: 90% of my salary for Grade I disability, 85% for Grade II disability, 80% for Grade III disability, and 75% for Grade IV disability. If the actual amount of disability allowance is lower than the local minimum wage standard, the difference shall be made up by the industrial injury insurance fund; (3) After the injured workers reach retirement age and go through retirement procedures, they will stop paying disability allowance and enjoy basic pension insurance benefits. If the basic old-age insurance benefits are lower than the disability allowance, the difference shall be made up by the industrial injury insurance fund. If the work-related disability of an employee is identified as Grade I to Grade IV disability, the employer and individual employee shall pay basic medical insurance premiums based on disability allowance. After reading the above regulations, have you solved your problem?


    2024-06-14 17:00:01

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