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According to the results of the mediation statement, apply for compulsory execution. How long can it be executed?

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According to the results of the mediation statement, apply for compulsory execution. How long can it be executed?


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:02

    The enforcement will be completed within one year after the application for enforcement, provided that the other party has property available for enforcement; After applying for compulsory execution, the other party may be required to pay double interest on overdue payment (double interest on arrears). It should be noted that the mediation case has been settled, and both parties have signed the mediation statement, then the mediation statement is effective, and neither of you can apply for arbitration again with the same reason and the same matter. If it is found that the mediation statement of the arbitration commission violates the procedure or other statutory reasons, it may apply to the court for cancellation of the mediation statement. What are the provisions of Chinese laws on the settlement of disputes between the two parties when domestic enterprises sign economic contracts? According to China's Economic Contract Law, domestic enterprises can apply to the contract management authority for arbitration in case of disputes between the two parties when signing economic contracts. The arbitration institution shall conduct mediation first, and if mediation fails, arbitration shall be conducted again. In the practice of foreign-related civil and commercial arbitration, the vast majority of cases can be settled through mediation, which is not only welcomed by Chinese and foreign parties, but also valued by the international arbitration community (see arbitration). The important feature of China's arbitration mediation is that it has a wide range of mediation and is not limited by litigation cases or litigation amount. As long as both parties agree or have the hope and possibility of mediation, mediation can be conducted according to mediation procedures. At the same time, mediation procedures run through all stages of civil litigation, not only before arbitration, but also at all stages of the arbitration system. The above is about applying for enforcement according to the results of the mediation statement. How long will it take for enforcement? Have you learned the knowledge of law?

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