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What to do when the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are infringed

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What to do when the legitimate rights and interests of consumers are infringed


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  • 2024-06-11 02:00:01

    In the consumption era, the more consumption, the more disputes. When the rights and interests of consumers are infringed, according to Article 39 of the Consumer Protection Law
    Where a dispute arises between a consumer and a business operator over the rights and interests of consumers, it may be settled through the following channels:
    (1) Negotiate and settle with the operator;
    (2) Request the consumer association or other mediation organizations established according to law to mediate;
    (3) Complaints to relevant administrative departments;
    (4) apply to an arbitral body for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement reached with the business operator;
    (5) To bring a lawsuit to the people's court, consumers can bring a lawsuit to the court with relevant evidence materials such as civil indictment and consumption contract.
    Remember to attach a list of evidence and supporting materials related to the facts. In addition, copies of the petition should be submitted according to the number of complainants, and new evidence should be provided in the process of safeguarding rights according to law.

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