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Can I apply for administrative reconsideration of traffic violations online?

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Can I apply for administrative reconsideration of traffic violations online?


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  • 2024-06-14 15:00:55

    Can I apply for administrative reconsideration of traffic violations online? It is not possible to apply for administrative reconsideration of traffic violations online. According to Article 9 of the Provisions on Administrative Reconsideration of Traffic, applicants can apply for administrative reconsideration of traffic transportation in writing or orally. Where an application is filed by a large number of applicants, the transportation administrative reconsideration organ shall record the basic information of the applicant and the respondent on the spot, the request for administrative reconsideration, the main facts, reasons and time; The applicant shall sign or affix his seal to the record of the application for administrative reconsideration. In addition, in accordance with Article 7 of the Provisions on Administrative Reconsideration of Transportation, those who are not satisfied with the following specific administrative acts may apply to the Ministry of Transport for administrative reconsideration: (1) specific administrative acts of the transportation department of the provincial people's government; (2) The specific administrative acts of the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Transport; (3) The specific administrative acts of the Yangtze River Navigation Administration and the Pearl River Navigation Administration; (4) The specific administrative actions of the Ministry of Transport. If they are not satisfied with the specific administrative act of the maritime administrative agency directly under the Ministry of Transport, they shall apply to the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Transport for administrative reconsideration. Article 8 Citizens, legal persons or other organizations who apply to the transportation administrative reconsideration organ for transportation administrative reconsideration shall file an application for administrative reconsideration within 60 days after they know the specific administrative act; However, the application period prescribed by law exceeds 60 days. If the legal application period is delayed due to force majeure or other legitimate reasons, the applicant shall indicate it in the application for administrative reconsideration of transportation, or explain it to the administrative reconsideration organ of transportation, and the administrative reconsideration organ of transportation shall record it in the Application Record for Administrative Reconsideration of Transportation (see Annex 1), which is confirmed by the administrative reconsideration organ of transportation according to law, The application period shall continue to count from the date when the obstacle is removed. I don't know if you are satisfied with this explanation.


    2024-06-14 15:00:55

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