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How should one party handle the divorce procedure if she does not agree

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How should one party handle the divorce procedure if she does not agree


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  • 2024-06-25 04:00:50

    If the husband and wife fail to reach an agreement through consultation, or one party does not agree to divorce, the divorce procedures can be handled directly in the basic court of the other party's domicile. Relevant divorce materials need to be prepared in advance to handle divorce procedures: 1. Valid household register or valid household registration certificate of both parties; 2. Valid resident identity cards or valid temporary identity cards of both parties; 3. Both parties hold the Marriage Certificate issued by the marriage registration authority; 4. The divorce indictment, including the marital status, clearly describes the relationship between the two parties but has broken down, and has claimed for children, property, and debt Relevant evidence supporting the claim, such as property evidence, evidence materials more conducive to child rearing, etc. After preparing the evidence materials, you can submit the litigation materials to the court of the other party's domicile. If the conditions for filing are met, the court will file the case and serve a copy of the statement of complaint to the other party to prepare the statement of defense. Generally, before the divorce trial, the court will organize both parties to mediate. If mediation fails, the court will decide whether to divorce according to the specific case.


    2024-06-25 04:00:50

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