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Does compensatory prosecution usually win

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Does compensatory prosecution usually win


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  • 2024-06-16 14:00:01

    The compensatory prosecution may win or lose. The key to the success or failure of the case lies in the determination of responsibility and who should bear the responsibility.

    If an insurance company wants to win the compensation lawsuit, it must first collect complete data to prove that the full responsibility for the accident lies with the other party. It must have the accident identification certificate issued by the traffic police department, and that the other party will not compensate for the loss. For the lawsuit of compensation, the debtor should actively respond to the lawsuit, collect evidence in his own favor, and negotiate with the creditor to extend the repayment period or installment payment, and require the creditor to withdraw the lawsuit.

    Legal basis

    The Notice on the Definition of Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance (IV) applies the compensation principle to liability insurance. The insurance amount of liability insurance is the limit of compensation. After the occurrence of an insured accident, the insurer will check and ratify the insurance compensation according to the actual civil compensation liability of the insured to the third party, and the amount of insurance compensation shall not exceed the insured amount, The insurer enjoys the right of subrogation after paying compensation; The principle of fixed payment is applicable to personal accident insurance. The amount of compensation is based on the standard of death or disability payment specified in the insurance contract. The insurer pays the insurance benefits without subrogation.


    2024-06-16 14:00:01

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