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How to deal with employees' absenteeism without reason legally?

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How to deal with employees' absenteeism without reason legally?


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  • 2024-06-18 14:01:43

    The treatment methods for employees who are absent from work without reason include: they can be solved according to the employment regulations of the employer. For example, if an employee is absent from work for 1-3 days without reason, 2 days' basic salary will be deducted; If the employee is absent from work for more than 3 days without reason but within 7 days, the employment relationship or labor contract will be terminated; If the employee is absent from work for more than 7 days without reason, he/she will be directly dismissed or unilaterally terminated the labor relationship. According to Article 39 of the Labor Contract Law, if a worker has one of the following circumstances, the employer can terminate the labor contract: (1) the employee is proved not to meet the employment conditions during the probation period; (2) Seriously violating the rules and regulations of the employing unit; (3) Serious dereliction of duty or engaging in malpractice for selfish ends, causing major damage to the employing unit; (4) The laborer establishes labor relations with other employers at the same time, which has a serious impact on the completion of the work tasks of his own unit, or refuses to correct after being proposed by the employer; (5) The labor contract is invalid due to the circumstances specified in Item 1 of Paragraph 1 of Article 26 of this Law; (6) Being investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

    If the behavior meets the provisions of the second paragraph of this article, the unit can unilaterally terminate the labor contract on the ground of serious violation of the rules and regulations of the unit, and give the employee a notice to terminate the labor contract.

    Legal basis

    Article 18 of the Regulations on Rewards and Punishments for Enterprise Employees: "If an employee often absents from work without justified reasons, which is invalid after criticism and education, and has been absent from work for more than 15 consecutive days, or has been absent from work for more than 30 days in a year, the enterprise has the right to remove him from the list


    2024-06-18 14:01:43

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