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What to do if CAAC complains that the phone can't be reached

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What to do if CAAC complains that the phone can't be reached


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  • 2024-06-14 10:01:42

    What should we do if we can't get through the complaint telephone of CAAC? The CAAC can call 12326 to complain that the phone is blocked. On March 3, 2019, Feng Zhenglin, Director of Civil Aviation Administration of China, announced that 12326 civil aviation service quality supervision telephone would be launched from March 15, 2019. In March 2019, the "12326" civil aviation service quality supervision telephone was officially opened. In the future, passengers who complain to airlines and airports during the flight can call the "12326" civil aviation service quality supervision telephone to reflect if they do not get a satisfactory response. The 12326 call is especially aimed at the fact that passengers cannot get a reply from the airline airport during the complaint process. After calling 12326, the Civil Aviation Administration will be responsible for supervision to ensure that they can find the door, people and answers. According to Article 4 of the Measures for the Administration of Consumer Complaints on Public Air Transport Services, the complaint acceptance agencies include 1. Civil Aviation Administration 2. Civil Aviation Administration Consumer Affairs Center (hereinafter referred to as "Consumer Affairs Center") 3. China Air Transport Association (hereinafter referred to as "CAAC"). Article 13 Consumer complaints shall meet the following conditions: 1. They fall within the scope of complaint acceptance of these Measures; 2. The complainant shall be the consumer himself. Where a consumer entrusts another person to make a complaint, the entrusted person shall produce a written certificate of entrustment; 3. The complainant and the entrusted person shall provide their true names and effective contact information; 4. The object of complaint shall be the "complained enterprise" mentioned in Article 3 of these Measures; 5. There are specific complaint requirements, reasons and relevant factual basis; 6. Within one year from the date of complaint.


    2024-06-14 10:01:42

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