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The police summon a person is just a telephone summon. If they don't go home to find someone, they will put them on the Internet to be wanted.

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The police summon a person is just a telephone summon. If they don't go home to find someone, they will put them on the Internet to be wanted.


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:48

    For police summoning, the summoning certificate must be presented, not just a phone call. For those who need to summon the illegal suspect for investigation, the summoning certificate (summons) shall be used with the approval of the person in charge of the police station or the case handling department of the public security organ at or above the county level. If an illegal suspect is found on the scene, the people's police may verbally summon him after showing his work certificate, and indicate in the interrogation record the arrival time, arrival time and departure time of the illegal suspect. The public security organ shall inform the summoned person of the reason and basis for the summons. A person who violates the administration of public security and who refuses to be summoned or evades summoning without proper reasons, as well as other offenders who can be summoned compulsorily according to law, may be summoned compulsorily. When compulsory summoning, restrictive police equipment such as handcuffs and police ropes may be used according to law. It will not be put on the Internet for wanted. Wanted is an urgent investigative measure for the public security organ to order fugitives to be arrested. The objects wanted include those who have not been detained for the crime to be arrested, those who have escaped during arrest, those who have been detained and those who have escaped after arrest. What are the restrictions and procedures of mandatory subpoena? Article 82 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, where it is necessary to summon a person who violates the administration of public security to accept investigation, a summon card shall be used for summoning with the approval of the head of the case handling department of the public security organ. The people's police may verbally summon a person found to have committed an act against the administration of public security on the spot upon producing his work certificate, but shall indicate it in the interrogation record. The public security organ shall inform the summoned person of the reason and basis for the summons. A person who refuses to accept a summons or evades a summons without justified reasons may be summoned compulsorily. A person who violates the administration of public security and who refuses to be summoned or evades summoning without proper reasons, as well as other offenders who can be summoned compulsorily according to law, may be summoned compulsorily. If it is necessary to summon an illegal suspect for investigation, a summon card shall be used for summoning with the approval of the head of the local police station or the case handling department of the public security organ at or above the county level. If an illegal suspect is found on the scene, the people's police may verbally summon him after showing his work certificate, and indicate in the interrogation record the arrival time, arrival time and departure time of the illegal suspect. The public security organ shall inform the summoned person of the reason and basis for the summons. A person who violates the administration of public security and who refuses to be summoned or evades summoning without proper reasons, as well as other offenders who can be summoned compulsorily according to law, may be summoned compulsorily. When compulsory summoning, restrictive police equipment such as handcuffs and police ropes may be used according to law. The public security organ shall promptly notify the family members of the summoned person of the reason for the summoning and the place of the summoning by telephone, mobile phone SMS, fax, etc. When a public security organ summons an illegal suspect, if his family members are present, they shall orally inform the family members of the reason for the summons and the place of the summons on the spot, and indicate it in the record of inquiry. If the person summoned refuses to provide the contact information of his family members or there are other circumstances where he cannot be notified, he may not be notified, but it shall be noted in the record of inquiry. The above is about the police summoning a person only by telephone. If they don't go home to find someone, they will put them on the Internet to be wanted. Have you learned the knowledge of law?

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