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Current divorce maintenance standard

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Current divorce maintenance standard


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  • 2024-06-22 06:01:43

    Article 21 of the Judicial Interpretation I of the Marriage Law, the term "alimony" as mentioned in Article 21 of the Marriage Law includes children's living expenses, education expenses, medical expenses and other expenses.
    The education fees for high school and below education should be borne, but the extra school selection fees paid by private schools with higher fees, noble schools, or sponsorship fees due to insufficient test scores should not be regarded as maintenance fees.
    If the children are enrolled without the full consent of both parents, the parents who disagree may not pay the fee, but the parents of the consenting party shall pay it.
    The alimony shall be limited to the necessary amount. The expenses of children's purchase of computers and mobile phones, travel expenses, and commercial insurance expenses, etc., have no legal basis, and parents can refuse to pay these expenses.
    The medical expenses for serious illness and terminal illness of children shall be subject to the reimbursement of social medical insurance. For example, the expenses for kidney replacement due to kidney failure of children, and the expenses for bone marrow transplantation due to leukemia of children are not included in the maintenance fees. Parents are only morally responsible for such expenses, and have no legal obligation to bear such expenses.


    2024-06-22 06:01:43

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