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What is written in the hukou book is the hukou book, but I am a rural person, so am I a rural hukou or a resident hukou?

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What is written in the hukou book is the hukou book, but I am a rural person, so am I a rural hukou or a resident hukou?


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  • 2024-06-18 21:00:02

    The Hukou Book is a household register, but for rural people, if their hukou is rural, they can still enjoy the policy treatment of rural hukou. The state cancels the distinction between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou in nature and the resulting blue print hukou and other hukou types, and uniformly registers them as resident hukou, mainly to facilitate the establishment of education, health, family planning, employment, social security, housing, land and demographic systems that are compatible with the unified urban and rural hukou registration system. It has nothing to do with the treatment of the household registration in the actual place. According to Article 6 of the Household Registration Regulations, citizens should register as permanent residents in the place where they often live, and a citizen can only register as permanent residents in one place.

    The Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System put forward the development goal of the reform of the household registration system by 2020, which mainly includes two aspects: first, orderly promoting the citizenization of agricultural transfer population. Further adjust the household registration migration policy, and strive to achieve the settlement of about 100 million agricultural migrants and other permanent residents in cities and towns; Gradually solve the problem that people who are employed and live in cities and towns but have not settled down enjoy basic urban public services. The second is to basically establish a new household registration system. By further promoting the reform of the household registration system, unifying the urban and rural household registration system, comprehensively implementing the residence permit system, and basically establishing a household registration system for migration with the basic conditions of legal and stable residence and legal and stable employment, and the basic form of regular residence registration; We will build a national basic population information database, integrate and share information across departments and regions, meet the needs of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and provide strong support for the modernization of the national governance system and capacity.

    According to my description, has your question been answered!

    Legal basis

    Article 6 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration: Citizens should register as permanent residents in the place where they often live. A citizen can only register as permanent residents in one place.


    2024-06-18 21:00:02

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