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Can I complain if the delivery place is inconsistent

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Can I complain if the delivery place is inconsistent


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  • 2024-06-16 01:00:03

    If the delivery place is inconsistent, a complaint can be made. Because the location of the goods displayed in some sellers' stores is different from the actual shipping address, it is generally because the shipping manufacturer is not in the place where the sellers' stores operate. As long as the sellers can guarantee the service quality, this situation is not a violation. However, if some sellers take advantage of customers' trust in the origin of the goods, they deliberately blur the actual place of delivery of the goods. But it is better to indicate it in the description to avoid causing trouble.

    Legal basis

    Article 39 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers, if a dispute arises between a consumer and a business operator over the rights and interests of consumers, it may be settled through the following means: (1) consultation and settlement with the business operator; (2) Request the consumer association or other mediation organizations established according to law to mediate; (3) Complaints to relevant administrative departments; (4) apply to an arbitral body for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement reached with the business operator; (5) Bring a lawsuit to the people's court.

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