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What should women do when they are over 50 but have not paid their social security for 15 years

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What should women do when they are over 50 but have not paid their social security for 15 years


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  • 2024-06-14 17:00:48

    Women over 50 but not over 15 years of social security? What to do? According to Article 16 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, there are two solutions: 1. You can continue to pay fees, and receive basic pensions on a monthly basis after 15 years of payment. 2. The transfer to the new rural social endowment insurance or urban residents' social endowment insurance shall enjoy the corresponding pension insurance benefits in accordance with the provisions of the State Council. Regarding residents' pension insurance: Article 21 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the new rural social pension insurance benefits consist of basic pension and individual account pension. Rural residents who have participated in the new rural social endowment insurance and meet the conditions prescribed by the State shall receive the new rural social endowment insurance benefits on a monthly basis. According to the Opinions of the State Council on Establishing a Unified Basic Endowment Insurance System for Urban and Rural Residents, if the insured coverage is over 16 years old (excluding students at school), non state organs and public institutions staff and urban and rural residents who are not covered by the basic endowment insurance system for employees can participate in the endowment insurance for urban and rural residents in their place of residence. The Opinions of the State Council on Establishing a Unified Basic Endowment Insurance System for Urban and Rural Residents VI. Endowment insurance benefits and adjustment of pension insurance benefits for urban and rural residents consist of basic pension and personal account pension, which are paid for life. 1. Basic pension. The central government has determined the minimum standard of basic pension, established a normal adjustment mechanism for the minimum standard of basic pension, and adjusted the national minimum standard of basic pension in a timely manner according to economic development and price changes. The local people's government may appropriately raise the basic pension standard according to the actual situation; For long-term payment, the basic pension can be appropriately increased, and the increased and increased funds shall be paid by the local people's government. The specific measures shall be formulated by the provincial (district, city) people's government and reported to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security for the record. 2. Individual account pension. The monthly calculation and payment standard of individual account pension is currently the total savings of the individual account divided by 139 (the same as the calculation and payment coefficient of the current basic pension insurance individual account). If the insured person dies, the balance of the individual account can be inherited according to law. The above regulations are about endowment insurance. I hope they can help you.


    2024-06-14 17:00:48

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