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What are the behaviors of hiding property in divorce

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What are the behaviors of hiding property in divorce


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  • 2024-06-26 16:00:49

    1. When applying for the house property certificate, he will apply for the house property certificate in his own name under the excuse of "inconvenient loan" and "no common house without marriage certificate", and will deny it when divorce occurs;
    2. If the property right is registered in the name of one person, the registrant will transfer the property to another person's name without authorization and get cash;
    3. During the duration of the husband wife relationship, one party buys a house in the name of another, but in fact, he is the owner of the house property. After divorce, he will transfer the house property to his own name
    4. Transfer your usual salary to a bank card that only you know, and withdraw your deposit in cash without authorization;
    5. Transferring and hiding stock speculation information, selling stocks in the stock market, obtaining cash, transferring and hiding, etc. To be specific, there are many kinds of behavior of hiding property. As long as the property transfer behavior is not known to the other party, it belongs to the behavior of hiding property. According to China's marriage law, when divorce occurs, one party hides, transfers, sells, or destroys the joint property of the husband and wife, Or forge debts in an attempt to occupy the property of the other party, when dividing the joint property of the husband and wife, the party who conceals, transfers, sells, damages the joint property of the husband and wife or forges debts can be divided less or not separated. After marriage, the other party can bring a lawsuit to the people's court to request another division of the joint property of the husband and wife, that is, If it is found that the other party conceals property at the time of divorce, if there is evidence to prove it, it can submit evidence of the other party's concealing property to the people's court. The court will decide, based on the evidence submitted, to divide part or less of the property of the party who conceals property, which is a punishment for the act of concealing property in divorce. If it is found that the other party conceals property after divorce, A lawsuit for re division of property can be filed in the court within two years from the day after the discovery. According to the above, if the other party is found to have transferred or hidden property at the time of divorce, the party who hides, transfers, sells, damages the joint property of the husband and wife, or forges debts can be given less or no share. If the other party is found to have hidden property after divorce, When requesting the court to re divide the property, it can also request the multi property court to make a judgment according to the actual situation. It is not a very complicated question how to do with the other party's hidden property. The important thing is how to find the other party's hidden property behavior, and how to collect the evidence of the other party's hidden property is the key. Therefore, when divorcing and dividing the property, you can consult a lawyer in advance, With the help of a lawyer, avoid giving the other party the opportunity to hide property and prevent trouble before it happens. For those who find the other party's hidden property after divorce, they need to collect evidence with the help of a lawyer and lay out the evidence for re dividing the property. Because there is a time limit for those who find the other party's hiding property after divorce, and no key evidence is collected within the necessary time limit, It is possible to lose the opportunity to re divide the property, and the gain is not worth the loss. Therefore, it is necessary to hire a lawyer for divorce property division anyway


    2024-06-26 16:00:49

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