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Does it have any impact on the company that employees report their work-related injuries to the company

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Does it have any impact on the company that employees report their work-related injuries to the company


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  • 2024-06-14 18:00:02

    There are adverse effects. The employer shall apply to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau for identification of work-related injury within 30 days from the date of the accident. If no application is filed within the time limit without special circumstances, the employer shall bear the work-related injury benefits and other related expenses incurred during this period. Only if the employer fails to apply for the identification of work-related injury within the time limit, the injured employee can apply for the identification of work-related injury by himself. Article 17 of the Regulations on Work Injury Insurance: If an employee suffers from an accident injury or is diagnosed and identified as an occupational disease according to the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, the unit to which the employee belongs shall, within 30 days from the date of the accident injury or the date of diagnosis and identification as an occupational disease, apply to the social insurance administrative department of the overall planning area for the identification of work injury. In case of special circumstances, the application time limit may be appropriately extended with the approval of the social insurance administrative department. If the employer fails to apply for the determination of work-related injury according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the injured worker or his close relatives or the trade union organization may directly apply for the determination of work-related injury to the social insurance administrative department of the overall planning area where the employer is located within one year from the date of the accident injury or the date of diagnosis and identification as an occupational disease. In accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this article, the matters that should be identified by the provincial social insurance administrative department as work-related injuries shall be handled by the social insurance administrative department of the city divided into districts where the employer is located according to the principle of territoriality. If the employer fails to submit an application for determination of work-related injury within the time limit specified in the first paragraph of this article, the employer shall bear the expenses related to work-related injury treatment that meet the provisions of these Regulations during this period. What circumstances cannot be identified as work-related injury or deemed as work-related injury? (1) The following casualties shall not be recognized as work-related injuries or deemed as work-related injuries: 1. Casualties due to crime or violation of public security management; 2. Causing casualties due to drunkenness; 3. Because of self mutilation or suicide; (2) Relevant materials required to submit the application for identification of work-related injury 1. Application Form for Identification of Work related Injury of the injured; 2. Materials proving the existence of labor relationship (including factual labor relationship) with the employer; 3. Medical diagnosis certificate or occupational disease diagnosis certificate (or occupational disease diagnosis appraisal certificate). At the same time, the applicant should submit the following materials according to the needs of identification of work-related injuries: 1. Identification materials of the injured employee; 2. Original of relevant circumstantial evidence materials (such as circumstantial evidence, on-site records, photos, oral confession records, etc.); 3. Schematic diagram of accident site (road map of traffic accident); 4. Letter of Responsibility Identification for Road Traffic Accidents (work-related injuries caused by traffic accidents); 5. Certification materials of local public security organs (in criminal cases); 6. Registration materials of units and enterprises as legal persons (the injured employees or their immediate family members apply for recognition of work-related injuries); 7. Other materials to be submitted for identification of work-related injuries. (3) Procedures for application for identification of work-related injury 1. The employer, the injured person or his or her immediate family members, and the trade union organization shall apply to the social security department for identification of work-related injury; 2. The social security department reviews the materials submitted by relevant personnel and accepts the qualified applications; 3. The social security department shall investigate and identify the accident and issue the Work Injury Identification Certificate to the applicant. Have you learned the above legal knowledge about the impact of employees' reporting of work-related injuries on the company?


    2024-06-14 18:00:02

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