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How to write a traffic accident authorization

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How to write a traffic accident authorization


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  • 2024-06-27 14:01:42

    Letter of Authorization for Compensation for Traffic Accidents
    Gender ID card number of related parties
    Party A is the wife, the father, the mother, the son
    Party B's driver
    Owner of Party C's car
    1、 Time of accident: Date: Place:
    2、 Accident overview: At noon on the day of, driving and in the event of a traffic accident, he was sent to the hospital and died after rescue.
    3、 Agreement terms:
    Party A, Party B and Party C, on a voluntary basis, in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations, under the witness of the traffic police detachment of the branch bureau, and through consensus, agree on the accident compensation as follows:
    1. Party B and Party C shall compensate Party A for all kinds of personal injury compensation items and property loss items in a lump sum of RMB, (in figures: RMB), including RMB, prepaid and the remaining amount of RMB.
    2. Party A agrees to accept the above compensation, agrees with the accident responsibility determination made by the traffic police detachment of the branch bureau, promises not to require Party B and Party C to pay any fees in any form and bear any other responsibilities, and guarantees not to require the judicial department to investigate any responsibilities of Party B and Party C. Party A guarantees to cooperate with Party B and Party C to explain the situation to the judicial authorities and other relevant departments, and issue relevant documents or certificates.
    3. Party A shall actively cooperate with Party B and Party C in the settlement of accident insurance claims.
    4. Within ten working days after the signing of this agreement, Party B shall pay Party A a compensation of, yuan, and the remaining amount of, yuan, which shall be fully paid within ten working days after the completion of the claim settlement between Party C and the insurance company.
    5. Party A shall issue a receipt when Party C pays the above amount.
    6. The signatory (or client) of Party A on site guarantees the right of full agency.
    7. This agreement is made in quadruplicate, one for Party A, one for Party B and one for Party C, and one for the traffic police detachment of the sub bureau. The four copies have the same legal effect and come into force from the date of signature (seal) by both parties.

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