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According to what should the scope of knowing state secrets be limited to the minimum

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According to what should the scope of knowing state secrets be limited to the minimum


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  • 2024-06-16 04:00:56

    The scope of knowing state secrets shall be limited to the minimum according to work needs. The scope of knowing state secrets shall be limited to the minimum according to work needs. If the scope of knowledge of state secrets can be limited to specific persons, it shall be limited to specific persons; If it cannot be limited to specific personnel, it shall be limited to organs and units, and the organs and units shall be limited to specific personnel. If a person outside the scope of knowledge of state secrets needs to know state secrets because of his work, he shall obtain the approval of the person in charge of the organ or unit.

    Legal basis

    Article 16 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets, the scope of knowing state secrets shall be limited to the minimum according to work needs. If the scope of knowledge of state secrets can be limited to specific persons, it shall be limited to specific persons; If it cannot be limited to specific personnel, it shall be limited to organs and units, and the organs and units shall be limited to specific personnel. If a person outside the scope of knowledge of state secrets needs to know state secrets because of his work, he shall obtain the approval of the person in charge of the organ or unit.


    2024-06-16 04:00:56

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