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Differences between shares and groups

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Differences between shares and groups


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  • 2024-06-19 07:01:42

    The difference between joint-stock companies and group companies lies in:
    A joint stock company is also called a limited liability company. It refers to an enterprise legal person established by a certain number of shareholders according to law, whose total capital is divided into equal shares, whose shareholders are responsible for the debts of the company to the extent of the amount of shares they hold, and whose company is responsible for the debts of the company with all its assets.
    A joint-stock company is a joint venture company with the following characteristics:
    1. The capital of a joint-stock company is not invested by one person alone, but is divided into several shares, which are jointly invested by many people;
    2. The ownership of a joint stock company does not belong to one person, but to all the people who contribute to and subscribe for the company's shares.
    The group company is composed of three or more subsidiaries. The group company controls a certain amount of shares in each of its subsidiaries, which may or may not be limited companies.
    Its subsidiaries generally operate independently, as long as they reach the annual budget, and the group company generally does not interfere. Some main leaders of some subsidiaries are often appointed by the group company. Moreover, the group company must be the majority shareholder of the subsidiary company.
    Legal basis: Article 34 of the Company Law: dividend right and preemptive right
    Shareholders shall receive dividends in proportion to their paid in capital contributions; When the company increases its capital, the shareholders have the priority to subscribe for the capital contribution according to the proportion of the paid in capital contribution. However, the exception is that all shareholders agree not to share dividends in proportion to their capital contributions or not to give priority to their capital contributions in proportion to their capital contributions.

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