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What is the difference between a trip ticket and an invoice?

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What is the difference between a trip ticket and an invoice?


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  • 2024-06-14 15:00:57

    The itinerary is also a kind of invoice, so there is no difference. The itinerary is the invoice for flying. The Air Transport E-Ticket Itinerary (i.e. the itinerary) is supervised by the State Administration of Taxation and incorporated into the invoice management of the tax authorities in accordance with the Invoice Management Measures of the People's Republic of China. It is the voucher for the payment and reimbursement of passengers who purchase domestic air transport e-tickets. As for the itinerary bill, it is not only a special invoice, but also a transport voucher, a preliminary evidence of the establishment of the air transport contract and a registered securities (ticket). According to the regulations of the State Administration of Taxation and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (Guo Shui Fa [2006] No. 39), from June 1, 2006, the Air Transport E-Ticket Travel Note (hereinafter referred to as the Travel Note) was used as the reimbursement voucher for passengers to purchase e-tickets. What is the itinerary? The Air Transport E-Ticket Itinerary is produced under the supervision of the State Administration of Taxation and incorporated into the invoice management of the tax authorities. The official launch of the air ticket itinerary is the voucher for the payment and reimbursement of passengers who purchase domestic air transport e-tickets. As for the itinerary bill, it is not only a special invoice, but also a transport voucher, a preliminary evidence of the establishment of the air transport contract and a registered securities (ticket). Is this the difference between a trip ticket and an invoice? Have you learned the knowledge of law?

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