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What materials do lawyers need to apply for bail pending trial on their behalf

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What materials do lawyers need to apply for bail pending trial on their behalf


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  • 2024-06-14 12:00:48

    The prerequisite for obtaining a guarantor pending trial is to meet the statutory conditions. Engage a lawyer to submit an application for obtaining a guarantor pending trial. If there is a victim's understanding, compensation agreement or family difficulties, diseases and other related materials, they can also be submitted at the same time. The following materials shall be submitted to apply for obtaining a guarantor: 1. Application for obtaining a guarantor pending trial; 2. Notice of detention or arrest; 3. If the family member applies, the copy of ID card and proof of relationship with the suspect shall be submitted; If a lawyer applies for acting as an agent, a photocopy of the lawyer's practice license shall be submitted; 4. If the guarantor guarantees, the income certificate of the guarantor's work unit shall be submitted; 5. If the suspect is ill, a hospital diagnosis certificate shall be submitted. After the application materials are ready, they can be submitted directly to the case acceptance authority. Then let's extend this question: there are three ways for lawyers to apply for bail pending trial, and different ways have different procedures and procedures. The first is to submit the Application for Bailing Awaiting Trial to the public security organ during detention. The second is to submit the Legal Opinion on Disapproval of Arrest to the procuratorate before the arrest decision is made, and attach the corresponding evidence materials. This situation is not a bail pending trial in the strict sense, but the result is equivalent to bail pending trial. The third is to submit an Application for Review of the Necessity of Detention to the case handling organ after the suspect is arrested by the procuratorate and before the court judgment comes into effect, requesting to review the necessity of detaining the suspect again. If it is deemed unnecessary, it will be changed to a guarantor pending trial. This situation is not bail pending trial. We call it custody necessity review, but if the defense opinion is adopted, the result is bail pending trial.


    2024-06-14 12:00:48

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