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Divorced woman has no financial condition. Who will raise the child

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Divorced woman has no financial condition. Who will raise the child


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  • 2024-06-23 21:00:00

    1. According to the new marriage law, the ownership of the children after divorce, and the children in the lactation period shall be raised by the mother with the lactation period as the principle, and the father shall pay the child support fee according to the court's judgment or the amount agreed by both parties on a monthly basis
    2. Children under the age of 2 generally live with their mothers. If their mothers have one of the following circumstances, they can also live with their fathers:
    (1) Children who suffer from infectious diseases or other serious diseases that cannot be cured for a long time and are not suitable to live with them;
    (2) Having conditions for upbringing but not fulfilling the obligation of upbringing, and the father requires the child to live with him;
    (3) For other reasons, children really cannot live with their mother
    3. If all the above conditions are met, the child will be brought up with the mother to the age of 2, and then the court will re judge the child custody. The court will consider the principle that is more conducive to the growth of the child, and consider the specific conditions of both parents to determine the basic principle of allocating child custody. What is the principle that can be agreed to divorce, and go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for negotiation, The Law on Prosecution, Divorce and Marriage has established the general principle to solve the problem of child rearing, which is to start from the perspective of helping children's physical and mental health and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests, and to determine that children under two years of age, who are determined in combination with specific circumstances such as the parenting ability and conditions of both parents, generally live with the woman; If both men and women have no obvious fault and the conditions are equal in all aspects, if the woman has a better ideological quality and has more time to take care of the children, she will be more likely to get custody of the children; Children over the age of 10 can choose to raise their children with their mother or father, and the other party needs to pay maintenance fees, which is generally 20% - 30% of the monthly wage income. Generally, the property before marriage belongs to individuals, and the property after marriage is equally divided


    2024-06-23 21:00:00

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