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Do temporary workers need to sign labor contracts?

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Do temporary workers need to sign labor contracts?


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  • 2024-06-14 18:01:33

    Do temporary workers need to sign labor contracts? Temporary workers need to sign labor contracts. According to relevant laws and regulations, as long as there is a labor relationship, both parties must sign a written labor contract. The labor contract can simply stipulate the labor time, labor remuneration, responsibilities and obligations of both parties, and has the same legal effect.
    Most of our national enterprises are state-owned enterprises, and their employment system is to recruit employees to work in the unit until retirement, which is called permanent workers. Compared with regular workers, some employees recruited by the company for temporary work are temporary workers. As regular workers must retire, their benefits are usually better when the economic situation of the unit allows; Temporary workers are going to leave soon, so their benefits are relatively poor.
    We often hear that temporary workers actually need to establish labor cooperation relations. The only difference between them and regular employees is that the relevant terms and regulations are different. There is no doubt that temporary workers must sign labor contracts when cooperating with employers to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests are not infringed. Employers and migrant workers should take the initiative to sign contracts to establish a good labor cooperation relationship. In the legal sense, there is no special definition of temporary workers. All workers who have established labor relations with the employing unit are labor workers. Both parties must sign a written labor contract to specify the salary and benefits, working years, etc. According to the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
    Article 10 To establish a labor relationship, a written labor contract shall be concluded.
    If a labor relationship has been established but a written labor contract has not been concluded at the same time, a written labor contract shall be concluded within one month from the date of employment.
    If an employer and a worker conclude a labor contract before employment, the labor relationship shall be established from the date of employment. The above is an analysis and answer to the question of whether temporary workers need to sign labor contracts. I hope it can help you.

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