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Are motorcycles allowed to run on highways?

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Are motorcycles allowed to run on highways?


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  • 2024-06-13 14:00:58

    Are motorcycles allowed to run on highways?
    Are motorcycles allowed to run on highways? Motorcycles with a maximum speed of not less than 70 kilometers per hour are allowed to run on the expressway, but are not allowed to carry people. According to the provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Expressway Traffic, Article 4: pedestrians, non motor vehicles, tractors, agricultural transport vehicles, battery vehicles, wheeled special machinery vehicles, full trailer tractors, and motor vehicles with a designed maximum speed of less than 70 kilometers per hour shall not enter the expressway. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to expressway maintenance and other operators and special motor vehicles. Trainee drivers are not allowed to drive into the expressway. Article 8 Except for the approved fixed seats in the driver's cab and carriage, no passenger is allowed to be carried in any other part of a cargo motor vehicle. Two wheeled motorcycles are not allowed to carry people when driving on the expressway. Do you understand this explanation?

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