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What are the situations of property transfer after marriage

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What are the situations of property transfer after marriage


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  • 2024-06-24 14:00:56

    1. Direct concealment
    For bank deposits, real estate, provident fund, stock fund bonds, etc. in the name of one party, when the other party is not aware of them, one party often conceals them by refusing to declare or inform the other party of their property status, which makes the other party unable to divide the due marital property.
    2. Private transfer
    Transferring various assets without the consent of the spouse, including:
    (1) Transfer of deposits: if you withdraw or transfer the bank deposits or stock account funds in your own name to others in different amounts in one or more times within a certain period of time, there will be no bank deposits in your name at the time of divorce.
    (2) False transfer: there is no actual transaction or donation relationship, and colluded with others, including the transfer of real estate, company shares, vehicles, etc. to a third person (the third person is usually a relative or friend), who is the nominal owner, but in fact the ownership and control are still in their own, making it impossible for the spouse to divide the property.
    (3) Sell off assets: sell assets in one's own name to a third person through intermediaries or other people's introductions to obtain cash and avoid the separation of assets by the spouse.
    (4) Private gifts to others: including gifts to extramarital lovers or other third parties with ambiguous relationships, or gifts to other familiar people, resulting in the reduction of marital property.
    3. Borrow name
    If you negotiate with your spouse in the name of avoiding debts or purchase restrictions, purchase real estate in the name of others, or entrust others to hold shares or invest shares anonymously, and in the event of a divorce dispute in the future, you will collude with the holder to deny the fact of borrowing the name, and the spouse has no evidence to prove the fact of borrowing the name, so you cannot finally divide the property.
    4. Forgery of debts
    Because of the lack of social integrity in our country and the ineffective legal punishment, it is very common in practice to reduce the common property or let the spouse jointly bear the responsibility of repayment by colluding with and forging debts, so as to achieve the purpose of occupying and sharing more of the common property of the husband and wife.


    2024-06-24 14:00:56

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