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Conditions for receiving unemployment benefits

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Conditions for receiving unemployment benefits


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  • 2024-06-13 11:00:01

    Unemployed persons who meet the following conditions shall receive unemployment insurance compensation from unemployment insurance funds:
    (1) The employer and the employee have paid unemployment insurance premiums for one year before unemployment;
    (2) Interruption of employment not due to his own will;
    (3) Unemployment registration has been carried out and there are job requirements.
    However, if an unemployed person has one of the following circumstances during the period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation, he/she shall stop receiving unemployment insurance compensation and at the same time stop enjoying other unemployment insurance benefits:
    (1) Re employed;
    (2) Should conquer the military service;
    (3) Immigrated abroad;
    (4) Enjoy basic pension insurance benefits;
    (5) Refusing to accept the appropriate job or training offered by the department or institution designated by the local people's government without justified reasons. What conditions stop receiving unemployment benefits
    Unemployed persons who have one of the following circumstances shall stop receiving unemployment insurance benefits:
    1. Re employed;
    2. Should conquer the military service;
    3. Immigrated abroad;
    4. Enjoy basic pension insurance benefits;
    5. Failing to reach the statutory retirement age and refusing to accept the job referral from the local employment service agency for the specified number of times without justified reasons;
    6. The unemployed died.

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