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What does the natural person and legal person in the contract represent?

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What does the natural person and legal person in the contract represent?


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  • 2024-06-14 10:01:43

    1. Natural person refers to the living person who becomes the subject of civil legal relationship based on birth. As the subject of the legal relationship of the contract, the natural person must have the corresponding capacity for civil rights and civil conduct. The capacity for civil rights is the qualification for civil subjects to enjoy civil rights and bear civil obligations according to law. The capacity for civil rights of a natural person begins at birth and ends at death. Civil capacity is the qualification of civil subjects to obtain civil rights and perform civil obligations through their own actions. According to the age and mental health of natural persons, natural persons can be divided into persons with full civil capacity, persons with limited civil capacity and persons without civil capacity; 2. A legal person is an organization that has the capacity for civil rights and civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations according to law. Legal person is a concept corresponding to natural person, and it is a system that the law endows social organizations with personality. This system provides a basis for establishing the rights and obligations of social organizations and facilitating social organizations to assume responsibilities independently. What conditions should a legal person meet? (1) Legally established; (2) Having necessary property or funds; (3) Having its own name, organization and place; (4) Be able to bear civil liability independently; (5) The legal representative of a legal person is a natural person who exercises functions and powers on behalf of the legal person in accordance with the law or the articles of association of the legal person. A legal person's domicile is the place where its main office is located. What are the representatives of natural persons and legal persons in the contract? Have you learned the knowledge of law?


    2024-06-14 10:01:43

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