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Reference model of divorce agreement

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Reference model of divorce agreement


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  • 2024-06-21 18:00:04

    [Legal Opinion]
    Divorce Agreement
    Male Party: ____, male, Han nationality, born on ____, residing in ______, ID Card No.:
    Female: ____, female, Han nationality, born on ____, residing in ______, ID card number:
    The male party ____ met the female party ____ in ____, registered for marriage on ____, and gave birth to a son and daughter named ______ on ____. As the relationship between husband and wife has broken down due to ____, there is no possibility of reconciliation. Now, through voluntary consultation, both husband and wife have reached an agreement and concluded a divorce agreement as follows:
    1、 Both men and women divorce voluntarily.
    2、 Child support, alimony and visitation rights:
    The son and daughter ______ shall be raised by the woman and live with the woman. The man shall be fully responsible for the alimony (including foster care, education and medical expenses). The man shall pay the woman a lump sum of ______ yuan as the alimony of the daughter before __ (the man shall pay the alimony of __ yuan per month, and the man shall pay the alimony of the daughter to the woman or the designated bank account before 1-5 of each month:)
    The man can visit the children raised by the woman at any time without affecting their study and life. (The man can visit his daughter once a week or take her out to play on the rest day, but he should notify the woman in advance, and the woman should ensure that the man will visit her no less than one day a week.)
    3、 Disposal of joint property of husband and wife:
    (1) Deposit: The existing bank deposit under the names of both parties is ______ yuan, half of which is ______ yuan for each party. Distribution method: The deposits under their respective names remain unchanged, but the male party and the female party shall pay a lump sum of yuan to the female party and the male party before MM/DD/YYYY.
    (2) House: The ownership of the real estate located in the joint ownership of the husband and wife belongs to the woman. The procedures for the change of the name of the owner of the real estate ownership certificate shall be handled within one month after the divorce. The man must assist the woman in handling all the procedures for the change, and the transfer fees shall be borne by the woman. The female party shall compensate the male party for the house price difference of ______ yuan in a lump sum before ____.
    (3) Other property: Before marriage, the property of both parties shall belong to their own, and the personal articles and jewelry of both men and women shall belong to their own (attached list).
    4、 Treatment of debt:
    Both parties confirm that no joint debt has occurred during the duration of the marriage relationship. If either party has external debts, the debtor shall bear them. (Party ____ shall bear the debts borrowed by Party ____ on ____)
    5、 One party's responsibility for concealing or transferring the joint property of the husband and wife:
    Both parties confirm that the joint property of husband and wife has been clearly listed in Article 3 above. Except for the above houses, furniture, household appliances and bank deposits, there is no other property. Either party shall guarantee the authenticity of all the joint property listed above during marriage.
    The property division of this agreement is based on the above listed property. Neither party shall conceal, falsely report or transfer marital common property or premarital property. If either party conceals or falsely reports any property other than those listed above, or transfers or withdraws any property within two years prior to the signing of this Agreement, the other party shall have the right to obtain all shares of the property concealed, falsely reported or transferred by the other party upon discovery, and shall be held liable for concealing, falsely reporting or transferring the property. The party who falsely reports, transfers or conceals has no right to divide the property.
    6、 Economic assistance and moral compensation:
    Due to the living difficulties of the woman, the man agreed to pay a lump sum of ____ yuan of compensation for economic assistance to the woman. In view of the reason why the man asked for divorce, the man shall compensate the woman for her mental damage in a lump sum of ____ yuan. All the payments due from the above male party shall be paid before MM/DD/YYYY.
    7、 Agreement on liability for breach of contract:
    If either party fails to perform the payment obligation within the time limit agreed in this agreement, it shall pay the other party liquidated damages of ____ yuan (liquidated damages shall be paid at ______).
    8、 Agreement on the effective time of the agreement:
    This agreement is made in triplicate, and shall come into force from the date of issuance of the Divorce Certificate by the marriage registration authority. Each party shall hold one copy, and the marriage registration authority shall keep one copy.
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