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Whether it is effective to make a written commitment within marriage that the house will be owned by the other party upon divorce

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Whether it is effective to make a written commitment within marriage that the house will be owned by the other party upon divorce


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Favorable reply
  • 2024-06-27 14:00:57

    In the marriage life, disputes often arise due to trivial matters, and one party issues a letter of commitment, a guarantee, or even presents property, purchases items, etc. to achieve the purpose of tying up or locking the other party.
    It aims to save feelings and avoid escalation of conflicts. However, according to the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of China, if the donor donates his house to the donee free of charge, he should go through the transfer registration procedures.
    Otherwise, the donor may revoke the gift. That is to say, as long as there is no transfer of ownership, the other party can repent at any time. Therefore, I suggest that both husband and wife should cherish their fate and never trust the written promise of material temptation.
    Add insurance weight to your feelings. These seemingly voluntary but actually unfulfilled written commitments may not have legal effect once the promise maker backs out.
    In the love life of husband and wife, we should be more tolerant and trust, and cherish. Mutual understanding and accommodation is the basis for maintaining the stability of the relationship between both parties.


    2024-06-27 14:00:57

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