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Can I not sign the criminal appeal

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Can I not sign the criminal appeal


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  • 2024-06-19 05:00:56

    It is not allowed to sign the criminal petition.
    Legal basis:
    Criminal Procedure Law
    Article 229 If a victim and his legal representative refuse to accept a judgment of first instance made by a local people's court at any level, they shall have the right to request the people's procuratorate to lodge a protest within five days after receiving the written judgment. The People's Procuratorate shall, within five days after receiving the request from the victim and his legal representative, decide whether to protest and reply to the petitioner.
    Article 230 The time limit for appeal and protest against a judgment is ten days, and the time limit for appeal and protest against a ruling is five days, counting from the day after the receipt of the written judgment or order.


    2024-06-19 05:00:56

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