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Do you deduct points for parking violations

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Do you deduct points for parking violations


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  • 2024-06-14 19:02:27

    If the driver is not present, the traffic police department has the right to drag the vehicle to a place that does not hinder the traffic or a place designated by the traffic management department of the public security organ to park if the parked vehicle obstructs the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians, in addition to posting a fine ticket. If the driver is present, the traffic police can point out the illegal act and give a verbal warning to the driver who violates the parking regulations of the road traffic safety laws to drive away immediately. Generally, drivers can leave quickly without penalty. If the driver refuses to leave and the vehicle he drives obstructs other vehicles and pedestrians, the traffic police will impose a fine of not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan on you.
    How to judge violation?
    1. No vehicles are allowed to park in the motorway whether there are no stop signs or not.
    2. Vehicles are allowed to park in non motorway. Vehicles are allowed to park on the side of main and secondary trunk roads in urban areas without non motorway separation. No vehicles are allowed to park within 50 meters from intersections and bridges, and no vehicles other than the above facilities are allowed to park within 30 meters from bus stops, fire hydrants, fire brigade and hospitals. When the vehicle is temporarily parked, the section with parking space shall be parked in the parking space; For sections without parking spaces, park on the right side of the road in turn. It is forbidden to park the vehicle in two rows, on the left, horizontally or in reverse.
    3. The sidewalk is only allowed to park in the set parking space, and it is prohibited to park outside the parking space.
    4. No parking is allowed on the road sections with no parking signs and markings, crosswalks and construction sections.
    5. Other sections where parking is not allowed by law. At the same time, the above person in charge introduced that the municipal traffic police detachment also standardized the law enforcement process of the traffic police on duty, requiring the police on duty to educate and persuade the illegal parking drivers on the scene and guide the parties to regulate parking. If the driver is not present, take photos of his/her vehicle to obtain evidence, and issue an Illegal Parking Notice for punishment; The party who refuses to leave and refuses to mend his ways after repeated admonitions shall be punished on the spot.
    To sum up, no points will be deducted for illegal parking, and a fine will be required. Do you understand?
    Article 93 of the Road Traffic Safety Law can point out the illegal behavior and give a verbal warning to those who violate the provisions of road traffic safety laws and regulations on motor vehicle parking and temporary parking to drive away immediately. If the driver of a motor vehicle is not at the scene or refuses to leave immediately even though he is at the scene, thereby impeding the passage of other vehicles and pedestrians, he shall be fined not less than 20 yuan but not more than 200 yuan, and may drag the motor vehicle to a place that does not impede traffic or to a place designated by the traffic control department of the public security organ for parking. The traffic control department of the public security organ shall not charge the party for the trailer, and shall inform the party of the parking place in a timely manner. If a motor vehicle is damaged due to improper towing, it shall be liable for compensation according to law.

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