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Must I sign my name to buy a house

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Must I sign my name to buy a house


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  • 2024-06-19 08:00:47

    It can be entrusted to others, but must have complete entrustment procedures. According to the provisions of the Civil Code, the parties may apply to the registration authority for advance notice registration in order to guarantee the realization of the real right in the future when they sign an agreement on the purchase and sale of houses or other real property rights. After the advance notice registration, if the real estate is disposed of without the consent of the obligee of the advance notice registration, it will not have the effect of biological rights.

    Legal basis: Measures for Housing Registration

    Article 86

    If the ownership of the house is transferred according to law, the following materials shall be submitted when applying for the registration of the transfer of the ownership of the house: (1) an application for registration; (2) The identity certificate of the applicant; (3) House ownership certificate;
    (4) The certificate of the right to use house sites or the certificate of the right to use collectively owned construction land; (5) Materials proving the transfer of house ownership; (6) Other necessary materials.
    When applying for the registration of the transfer of villagers' housing ownership, the certification materials of the rural collective economic organization's consent to the transfer shall also be submitted.
    Where a rural collective economic organization applies for the registration of the transfer of house ownership, it shall also submit the evidentiary materials approved by the villagers' assembly or authorized by the villagers' assembly and approved by the villagers' representative assembly.


    2024-06-19 08:00:47

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