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Do you still need to pay the social security after 15 years

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Do you still need to pay the social security after 15 years


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  • 2024-06-14 19:00:56

    Do you still need to pay the social security after 15 years? unwanted. After 15 years of social security payment, it is not necessarily possible to receive pension, but it is necessary to reach the statutory retirement age to receive pension on a monthly basis. Those who have reached the statutory retirement age and have paid the pension insurance for 15 years in total can receive the pension on a monthly basis. The amount received is the sum of the basic pension and personal account pension. The specific amount should be calculated based on the contribution base, payment period, local average wage, personal account amount and other factors.
    Among the pensions received each month, the basic pension is calculated by multiplying the average monthly salary of the employees on the job in the province in the previous year by the salary index, plus the indexed monthly average contribution salary of the employee, dividing the sum of the two by two, and finally multiplying the payment year limit by one hundred. The end result is the basic pension that is available every month. The individual account pension that can be received every month is equal to the deposit amount of the individual account divided by the number of months expected to be paid for the pension. The expected number of months for pension payment is calculated by the state according to the life expectancy of employees. At present, 170 months are planned for male employees and 216 months for female employees.
    According to Article 15 of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the basic pension consists of pooling pension and individual account pension.
    The basic pension is determined according to such factors as the cumulative contribution years of individuals, contribution wages, average wages of local employees, amount of individual accounts, average life expectancy of urban population, etc. The above content is the lawyer's answer on whether to pay after 15 years of social security purchase, for your reference.

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