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Does the current housing count as common property

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Does the current housing count as common property


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  • 2024-06-22 04:00:58

    Whether the dowry is the common property of husband and wife cannot be generalized. It can only be determined by analyzing the specific situation.
    According to the provisions of the Marriage Law, a very important principle in determining the joint property of husband and wife is the time of acquisition of the property. If the property is acquired during the duration of the marriage relationship, it generally belongs to the joint property of husband and wife.
    1. If the dowry is obtained by the wife before the marriage registration, the dowry is generally owned by the wife without explicit agreement.
    2. If both men and women go through marriage registration first, and then the woman buys dowry according to traditional customs, it can be regarded as the joint property of the husband and wife.
    3. If both parties agree on the ownership of the dowry, and the agreement complies with the law, the agreement shall prevail.


    2024-06-22 04:00:58

  • civil Relevant knowledge

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